Well i decided to reveal my next big project. I am currently working on a sprite based beat' em up/platformer game. Imagine a mixture of red baron and alien hominid .
The sprites are gonna be completly original and are being drawn one by one all by me. Best part is, they are gonna be pretty good quality. I am trying to make the game as visually stunning as i possibly can. You can see 1 of the attacking sprites i'm using on the image attached. I really tried and not be too shy about the detail. That is the main character btw. You can see a little more of him on my avatar.
Its very early in production, i'm still doing the artwork (untill all sprites are complete, its gonna be a really long time), but as soon as the project is a little more advanced i will post a alpha at ng.mag.
My only problem is the action script... well i'm no illetarate at ac or anything like that but i'm no genious at it neither... Its goona be pretty tough programming the a.i., combo system, camera movement... I just hope i can manage to do it. If not i can always get a programmer to coop on the project or use some open source engine.
Anyway... hope you guys look forward to this game... its gonna be awsome! :P
Looks cool! When is the alpha version ready?
Will take a while! It'll probably be a while. I am still drawing the sprites of the main character. And i still have to draw backgrounds, enemies and only when i finish will i be able to start thinking of the alpha. So it might take a while... But i'll keep updating here on my blog if you interested...